jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Hello everyone!
This post is about something that I love with all my heart, the country I want to visit as soon as possible, France. This country, especially its capital Paris has been in my dream since I had six years, because as soon as I see the Eiffel Tower in a magazine I fell in love. Paris is known as  "Ville lumière" or "City of Light" of its enormous tower which is iluminate at night, this monument is the most visited in the world, but when started its construction it was seen like a iron monster. Actually is used as broadcasting. In addition french gastronomy is considerate a global benchmark. Without a doubt I want to taste all the food, especially the desserts such as Crepes, Macarons and Clafoutis. I want to travel to this city to know many places that I have seen a lot of times in TV or photos, study french and I would like live there, some years. From there I would like other places, but that is other history.
Au Revoir!

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