lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

How I have changed?

Hi everybody! 
In the past, I was different only in some aspects, particularly related to my tastes or my preferences. So, until the age of 10 I was very tricky, I hated pineapple, broccoli or beans, but now is difficult that I don't like something, so my mom had not more anger because of her little daughter don't eat her dishes. Also I love mathematics, and I hated language and communication and history,when I was in basic education perhaps since it was very easy and I didn't need spend hours and hours thinking about one exercise, and also because my first teachers were very nice and they explain very good so the matter was very clear in classes, but then, in mid-level education everything changed, the maths mean only numbers and letters everywhere without any sense to me. In spite of that now I am studying sociology that relating more with language and history. In addition, I remember when I was child I was excessively quiet and a statue, I didn't move a finger, but now that is different to me, I don't saying that I am a person very daring or talker, but at least I enjoyed so much to talk with my friend the past year in school.
Bye bye!

A subject that I enjoyed

Resultado de imagen para gif pensandoThis is my first year of university, all the subjects are introductory and some are very boring, but others has been too interesting, helpful and pleasant. One of these was Social Psychology. This class was amazing, the teacher explained very good and he was so nice with us. In this course we learned about how the social relations influence in the behavior from people, specially how they act in certain situations. So we knew a lot of experiments with the society, and a few of these was unethical and irresponsible because to implement this device the persons don't must know about what is happening in reality so they are deceived. Also we knew some strategies to get information such as surveys or interviews. In addition, I learned about social movements, specifically that if you have more friends that participate in that, you have more chances to participate equally. All of this was interesting because it was related with the conscience of people, with their subjectivity and with this I was able of explain to me several things about daily life. 
That was all, bye!